segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012

That day

I lived 22 years in Brazil, 3 1/2 years between NY and NJ and just 5 months in Massachusetts, so the odds of me liking football were very very little, smaller were the odds of me liking the Patriots - I could perfectly be a Giants or Jets fan - but we don't really choose what team you like, when you find the one you know.
That is why I was so crazy excited for the Superbowl and that is why I got so disappointed with the end of it.

It's difficult to know what really happened. What I saw was a team that made too many mistakes and was clearly nervous. The Giants even behind in the score, was precise, fast and they delivered. The Pats were slow, tired and they reflex were so, so slow... it sucked. I just get this upset when Brazil looses in the World Cup...

A day later I'm still a little upset but I want to believe that they will be back much better next season...

Eu vivi 22 anos no Brasil, 3 1/2 anos entre NY e NJ e apenas 5 meses em Massachusetts, a chance de eu gostar de futebol americano era muito, muito pequena, menor ainda eram as chances de eu gostar dos Patriots - Eu poderia perfeitamente ser fa do Giants ou Jets - mas a gente nao escolhe o time que a gente vai gostar, quando você encontra o time certo, voc e sabe.
É por isso que eu estava loucamente animada para o Superbowl e é por isso que fiquei tão decepcionada com o fim.

É difícil saber o que realmente aconteceu. O que vi foi uma equipe que cometeu erros demais e nervosa. Os Giants, mesmo atrás no placar, foram precisos, rápidos e fizeram o que tinham que fazer. Os Pats estavam lentos, cansados e que com o reflexo lento... Eu só fico triste assim quando o Brasil perde na Copa do Mundo ...

Um dia depois, eu ainda estou um pouco chateada, mas eu quero acreditar que eles estarão de volta muito melhor na próxima temporada...

4 comentários:

  1. =( I always feel bad for the fans and players of the losing team.

    We're Giants fans at our house though, and I think it would have been miserable to be in Boston if the Pats had there's the silver lining? =)

    1. Its funny because I always feel bad for the losing team... this loss caught me completely out of guard though, I really didn't think I would feel that way... anyway, how come you are a Giants??? Hehehehe
