quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

Detox: Day 3

So... I went to sleep with a headache and woke up with a CRAZY headache, my baby went to work at 4 in the morning but came back home just to give me some medicine because he knew I was hurting... That was the best thing because I just went back to sleep and woke up feeling muuuuch better!

For breakfast I had the Carrot, Mango and Herb Smoothie and honestly, that was the only time. The carrot flavor is too strong and not good, but I drank, all the way.

Snack time and I was starving! So I made the Cranberry-Pumpkin Seed Trail Mix and I was so happy! The cranberries and raisins made me very very happy; I needed that sweet!

For lunch I had the Kale Slaw with Red Cabbage and Carrots it was okay, I think I'm getting tired of salads all the time... also i need to get used to raw kale, I've never had before...

After lunch when Dave got back home we took a nap and I must say that after that i was feeling great! A lot different from the first day when I was really cranky! So we headed to the kitchen to make dinner and that one was a treat! We had Roasted Peppers, Cauliflower, and Almonds and it was fast to make and DELICIOUS! Everything worked so well together! It's really worthy!

After dinner, stretch time and then we took a detox bath. That one is really nice! You fill you bathtub with hot water, put Epson Salt, 10 drops of lavender oil and 1/2 cup of baking soda and just lay there, relaxing... it felt so great! After that we watched Moneyball (was just okay) and then straight to bed and feeling great! :)
Entao... quando fui dormir na noite anterior eu estava com dor de cabeca mas eu acordei com uma SUPER dor de cabeca! Meu baby foi pro trabalho as 4 da manha mas voltou pra casa pra me dar remedio pois ele sabia que eu estava doendo... Foi a melhor coisa porque quando eu acordei eu estava me sentindo muito melhor!

Pra cafe da manha tomei a Vitamina de cenoura, manga e ervas e honestamente foi a primeira e ultima vez. O sabor da cenoura era muito forte e nao tao bom mas eu bebi tudo.

Na hora do lanche eu estava faminta! Entao eu fiz o mix de Cranberry e semente de aborora e me fez tao feliz! O sabor doce das uvas passas e das cranberries me ajudaram, eu precisava de algo doce!

Para o almoco eu tiveSalada de repolho roxo, couve e cenoura era mais ou menos... eu acho que estou me cansando de saladas o tempo inteiro e eu a couve crua daquele jeito nao eh a minha favorita.

Depois do almoco quando o Dave voltou pra casa nos tiramos uma soneca e acordamos nos sentindo muito melhor! Bem diferente do primeiro dia quando eu estava bem rabugenta. Entao fomos para a cozinha fazer o jantar e esse prato era uma delicia! Nos tivemos
Pimentao e couve-flor assados com amendoas foi tao facil e rapido de fazer e DELICIOSO!

Depois do jantar, hora de fazer alongamentos e depois tomei um banho de banheira que foi muito muito bom! Coloquei agua quente, Sal grosso, 10 gotas de oleo de lavanda e 1/2 copo de bicarbonato de sodio. Fiquei la dentro ate a agua esfriar, tao bom!
Depois disso assistimos Moneyball (nada demais) e fomos direto dormir nos sentindo otimos! :)

2 comentários:

  1. The good part of you detox is that you're testing some recipes good for me =). Keep the good work! I'm making the beet soup right now =)

  2. Sean worries about you, being so tiny and turning yourself into a glass of juice! ahahahha
    I'm proud of you sissy! Love u
