quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012

Detox: Day 2

I'm still here!
We slept all night without moving, was the best night I had in weeks! I woke up happy and feeling great!
Morning breakfast was the Orange Berry Smoothie, we had to add Almond milk (unsweetened) because there was not enough juice to turn into a smoothie. The flavor was good but I think I'll never get over the consistency hehehehe (Note to self: buy a straw!)

For snack I had the Roasted Spiced Chickpeas and maybe I didn't roasted enough but wasn't as crispy as it should be. The taste was ok, would be better if was crunchier...

Lunch time and I'm still feeling good. Had the leftovers from yesterday dinner and it was really delicious, I was feeling so hungry and the Acorn really saved the day!

Then the afternoon hits me and I start feeling bad. My head hurts, my body hurts, it's not fun. Those are common symptoms when someone is detoxing... your body is clearing all the junk and that makes you hurt.

Luckily my babe is helping me with everything and we courageously headed to the kitchen to cook. Our dinner? Roasted Garlic and Beet Soup! hahahah Who knows me knows that I really don't like beets... not excited at all for this dinner and to help the beets took more than one hour to roast... Dave wasn't too excited either and the smell didn't help.
Here is the end result:

And it was one of the best soups I had! I just loved it and Dave loved it too! We were so excited and I'm sure my mom will be very proud of me :) I ate and I repeated! Was really delicious! It feel so good to put something warm in my belly!

The headache wasn't going away so after our stretches we took a shower and went right to bed. We couldn't believe that day 2 was over!
Ainda estou aqui!
Nos dormimos a noite inteira sem nos movermos, foi a melhor noite que eu tive em semanas! Acordei feliz e me sentindo muito bem!
O cafe da manha foi a Vitamina de Laranja e frutas vermelhas, nos tivemos que adicionar leite de amendoas (sem acucar) pois a vitamina nao tinha liquido suficiente. O sabor era bom mas eu acho que nunca vou me acostumar com a consistencia... rsrsrs (lembrete: comprar canudos!)

Para o lanche comi Grao de Bico torrado e temperado mas achoq ue nao torrei o suficiente porque nao estava crocante como deveria. O sabor era ok, tenho certeza que seria melhor se fosse mais crocante...

Na hora do almoco eu ainda estava me sentindo bem e comi o que sobrou do jantar de ontem e foi muito muito bom, eu estava com tanta fome e a abobora salvou o dia!

Ate que chegou a tarde e eu comecei a me sentir estranha. Minha cabeca comecou a doer, meu corpo tambem, nao eh nada divertido. Esses sao sintomas comuns quando voce faz o detox. Eh o seu corpo se livrando do lixo e doi um pouco.

Sortuda como sou meu baby me ajuda com tudo e com muita coragem fomos para a cozinha fazer o jantar. O que estava no menu? Sopa de beterraba e alho assado! hahahah Quem me conhece sabe que eu sempre torci o nariz pra beterraba... eu nao estava nada empolgada com o jantar e pra ajudar as beterrabas demoraram mais de uma hora pra assar!O Dave tambem nao estava empolgado e o cheiro da beterraba nao ajudava.

Aqui esta o produto final:

E acreditem ou nao foi uma das melhores sopas que eu ja tive! Nos amamos! Ficamos tao felizes e tenho certeza que a minha mamy vai ficar muito orgulhosa de mim :) Nos comemos e repetimos! Que delicia! E me senti tao bem colocando alguma coisa quentinha no meu estomago!

A dor de cabeca nao passava e depois do alongamento nos tomamos banho e fomos direto dormir. Mal podiamos acreditar que o dia 2 tinha acabado!

5 comentários:

  1. Me manda as receitas da sopa e do chickpeas! You rock girl!!!

  2. <3 Yayyyyy vc ta seguindo o plano! Lub ya!

  3. :0 sou fan de soupa nao.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mas right on. bjsss

  4. Wow, you are making this look really good, and it must be nice to have the week's meals planned out for you. Maybe I'll give it a shot!

  5. I am not a fan of beets but this actually looks good, and sounds it too!
