sábado, 17 de outubro de 2009

Today I allowed myself to cry. Cry for me, for us and for all the fucking plans we've done.
Cry for all the words I heard, for all the kisses I won't have.
I didn't want to miss you, I didn't want to lose you, but fuck, I do, I did...
All I wanted now was to have your arms around me and that feeling that everything would be alright and nothing, nothing would keep us apart. Because fuck (again) you told me that, anything would keep us apart.
I could blame the PMS again but today I blame my weak heart so desperate for love.

2 comentários:

  1. OI Larissa
    Vi seu comentário no blog da Carol
    Complicado esse nosso jeito de se relacionar com o próximo né?
    Mas me conta, vc agora mora no "istrangeru"?...rss
